Sunday, 28 February 2010




This tutorial was written by me, and any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental

Supplies needed:

PSP (I used PSP 9)
Animation Shop

My supplies : Wordart HERE
Tube of choice I am using the fantastic artwork of Jessica Dougherty if you wish to use her artwork then you need to purchase a license from CILM

DSB Flux – Bright Noise

FTU Scrap Kit by Doris called Longing for Spring at http://scrapsdimensions-dorisnilsa.blogspot.comThe mask I used is WSL_Mask192 another great one from our Chelle at thank you yet again Chelle

Open a 700 x 700 new image and flood fill white
Copy & Paste Paper 8 then Layers – Load/Save Mask – Load mask from disc and look for WSL_mask192 and apply then right click on your group layer
And merge group
Open Window 2 from the kit and copy and paste it on top of
your mask I resized it by 80% and click inside the frame with your magic wand
then Selections – modify and expand by 4 add a new layer and copy and paste
a paper of your choice into Selection, I used paper 12 then drop the paper under
your frame layer click back on your frame layer I then selected the daisy bits on the side of the windows by clicking in each space with my magic wand till they are all selected and Selections – Modify and expand by 2 then I copied and pasted Paper 3 again hit delete on your keyboard and drop this layer under your frame layer now click back on the window layer and drop shadow the window I used 5, 5, 50,5 black but it’s your choice

Now copy & paste the window box Flowers for window 1 I resized it by 30%and placed it just under the right of the window, duplicate it and mirror image so you have the 2 window boxes sitting under both panes of the window (see mine for reference)

Now Copy & Paste Bow 4 I resized it by 20% and placed it in between the window boxes, now click on the window layer in your layers palette and copy & paste whatever flower Elements you want to I used Calla Lily 1, Flowers 2 and flowers 6 and resized them by 20% place them how you think they look best then copy & paste Ribbon 3 resizing by 40% place to the right of the window and Duplicate then mirror
Now copy and paste the Rocking Chair and resizing it by 40% then place it to the left of the window now copy & paste the cluster ribbon and I resized this by 40% and placed it at the bottom of the window slightly behind the rocking chair. Copy & Paste the watering can I mirrored it and resized by 30% placing it to the bottom right of the window I then copy & pasted Both birds resizing them by 20% and placed one top right of the window and the other inside of the left window pane of course you can do it any way you like move them around and place them where you think it looks best I also Copy & pasted a few of the butterflies and resized them by 10% place them where you think looks best, unfortunately unless you are using the same Tube as me then you won’t have the butterflies that I used in the centre of the window as they come with the tube but you can always just resize some more of the butterflies from the kit and place them similarly to mine now copy & paste your tube and place her sitting on the rocking chair.

Give everything a drop shadow I use 5, 5, 50, 5 – black

Add the wordart – Spring is in the Air – now resize 500 x 500 using smart size

Now add the artists copyright and your name

Click on your mask layer and copy and paste Pollen Dust 2 and place it to the right so it shows at the side of the window now duplicate it and mirror click on the duplicated layer in your layer palette and merge down so both pollen dust layers are on the one layer. Now if you don’t wish to animate and you are happy with your Tag then Merge & Flatten and save as a Jpeg and your done.


Click on the Pollen Dust layer in your layer palette and Effects – plug ins and
DSB Bright noise set at 40 click on mix once and copy merged
and take it to animation shop and paste as new animation, back to
psp and click undo once then DSB Bright noise but click on mix
twice this time and copy merged and into animation shop and edit
paste after current frame, back in psp and again click undo once
and DSB Bright Noise and click on mix three times then copy
merged and take it to animation shop and paste after current frame

Edit – Select all, Animation Properties – make sure Opaque is checked and change the colour to white now view your animation and if your happy Save as a Gif and your done.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and thank you for visiting my Tutorial site I hope you will come back again

Sunday, 31 January 2010




This tutorial was written by me, and any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental

Supplies needed:

PSP (I used PSP 9)
Animation Shop

Tube of choice I am using the beautiful artwork of Barbara Jensen if you wish to use her artwork then you need to purchase a license from

The Scrap kit I used is by Doris of Scrap Dimensions …. thank you Doris and is called Diamond Blues (FTU) and you can get it

The mask I used is Zuzzanna_mask40 by Zuzzanna and you can get it

Supplies by me : HERE

Unzip your supplies and put the masks into your mask folder

Open a new Image 700 x 700 and flood fill white
Copy and paste paper 6 from the kit (or choose your own)
then Layers – Load/Save Mask – Load mask from disk and look
for Zuzzanna_mask40 and okay, right click the group layer in your layer palette and merge group.

Open SD DB Pin 3 from the scrapkit and using your eraser tool erase the pin part so that you are left with only the heart and copy and paste the heart on top of the mask and resize it by 200% then Adjust – Sharpness – Sharpen now open the Diamond heart from the supplies and copy and paste it on top of the heart then open SD DB Pin 2 and using the freehand selection tool go round the glitter and copy and paste the glitter onto the diamond heart use the Raster Deform tool to stretch it to fit inside the diamond heart now in your layer palette drop the glitter layer under the diamond heart layer and drop shadow the diamond heart.

Copy and paste SD DB Rose resize by 25% and using your Raster Deform tool turn it upside down and erase away the stem do the same with SD DB Rose 2 & SD DB Rose 4 give them all a drop shadow and group them together to make a bunch (see mine for reference)

Copy and paste your tube and drop shadow and if your using the same tube as me I went round the bottom of her legs with the freehand selection tool and then Selections – Modify then Feather and set it to 30 then hit delete on your keyboard to give you a misted effect.

You can add and resize any elements of your choice.

Resize all layers using Smart size to 500 x 500

Add the artists copyright and watermark then add your name I used font Aquarelle with a stroke of 1 *

If you are happy with your Tag and don’t wish to animate then Layers and merge & flatten and save as a Jpeg and your done if you would like to animate your Tag then carry on below.


From *

Copy Merged and take your image to Animation Shop and Edit – paste as a new animation then Edit – Duplicate Selected and keep doing this till you have 12 Frames then Edit – Select all

Open up Lyns Heart Bling and Edit – Select all then Edit – Copy go back to your image and Edit – Paste into Selected frame and place the bling coming away from her heart area.

Edit- select all then Animation, animation properties, click opaque and colour white and okay, view your animation and if happy save as a GIF and your done.

Many thanks for trying my tutorial, I hope you enjoyed it.


Sunday, 24 January 2010




This tutorial was written by me and any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.

It would be nice if you let me know you have tried my tutorials I love to see what you do with them, send me a copy and I will add them to my slide show.

Supplies needed:

PSP (I used PSP 9) but should work on any

Tube of choice I am using the brilliant artwork of Keith Garvey if you wish to use his work then you must purchase a license from

The Scrap kit I used is by Fantasy Moments it’s called For Your Love and you can get it :

The mask I used is WSL_Mask38 thank you again Chelle and you can get it at:

Okay lets get started

Open a new image 700 x 700 we can resize later flood fill white

Copy & Paste the Frame (Element 23) I resized by 65% now with your magic wand click inside the frame and Selections – Select all – Modify and expand by 4 and copy and paste Paper 01 into selection - Select none and drop the paper layer below the frame and drop shadow the frame.

Now click on and make active your background layer add a new raster layer and flood fill it with a dark colour from your tube then Layers – Load/Save Mask – Load Mask from Disk and locate WSL_Mask38 and okay make the group layer active in your layer palette and right click and merge group (stretch the mask as necessary using the Raster Deform tool so it shows on all sides below the frame) now copy and paste a Paper from the scrapkit I chose Paper 18 and again Layers – Load/Save Mask – Load Mask from disk and click okay then make your second group layer in your layer palette active and right click and Merge Group you now have 2 Masks in different colours you can mirror and flip to get them the way you like stretch them a little if you want, now make your top layer in your layer palette active and copy and paste your close up tube place her to the right of the frame use your eraser tool to get rid of any overhand at the bottom of the frame now you can start adding whatever Elements you like I used Element 10, 19, 27, 32, 33, 43, 51, 65, 71 and 74 I resized them or use the Raster Deform Tool and also done I used Happy Valentines Day on the teddy’s heart cushion

Drop shadow each layer 3, 3, 50, 5, Black

Image – Resize – All Layers checked 500 x 500 Smart size

Add the artists copyright and your watermark

Now Merge – Layers Merge – Merge all (Flatten)

Now add your name I used the Font Fiolex Girls choosing a colour to match your Tag with a stroke of 1 then I used a gradient glow (you don’t have to do this).

Save your finished Tag as a Jpeg.

Monday, 18 January 2010




This tutorial was written by me and any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.

It would be nice if you let me know you have tried my tutorials I love to see what you do with them or at least acknowledge that you have done it I like to get some feedback on what you think send me a copy and I will add them to my slide show.

Supplies needed:

PSP (I used PSP 9) but should work on any
Animation Shop

Filters used:
Eyecandy 4000 – HSB Noise

Tube of choice I am using the beautiful artwork of Barbara Jensen if you wish to use her work then you must purchase a license from

The Scrap kit I used is by Sylvie it’s called Sweet Valentine and you can get it :

The mask I used is WSL_Mask181 thank you again Chelle and you can get it at:

Okay lets get started

Open a new image 700 x 700 and Flood fill white we can resize later

Copy and paste Element 62 (Ribbon Frame) I resized it by 80% and with your magic wand click inside the ribbon frame remember to select the little bits as well then Selections – Modify and expand by 5 then Copy & Paste Paper 7 and Selections – invert and hit delete on the keyboard and drop the paper layer below the ribbon frame then making your ribbon frame the active layer give it a drop shadow.

Now click on and make active your background layer Copy and Paste Paper 3 then Layers – Load/Save Mask – Load Mask from Disk and locate WSL_Mask181 and okay make the group layer active in your layer palette and right click and merge group (I drew the mask in a bit using the Raster Deform tool so it just shows below the frame see mine for reference) now copy and paste Element 42 (Flower) ( and duplicate it so you have 4) just above the Mask layer move these around get them where you think looks best or see mine for reference then on the top flower layer Merge down till you get all 4 on one layer then duplicate it and on the bottom layer go to Adjust- Blur – Guassian Blur and set the radius to 30 and okay I then copy and pasted and resized Elements 66 & 67 and placed it to the right of the ribbon frame using the eraser tool I erased the stems at the bottom then I copied and pasted Element 32 I resized it and placed it under the flowers to make it look as if the flowers were growing out of the pot.

Now Copy & Paste your tube, duplicate it and drop one of these layers below the ribbon frame and using your eraser tool erase away any bits that are hanging over the frame. Give the tube below the frame a drop shadow.

Image – Resize – All Layers checked 500 x 500 Smart size

Add your name, the artists copyright and your watermark

Drop shadow each layer with settings 3, 3, 50, 5 colour black

If you don’t wish to animate then save your Tag now as a Jpeg if you wish to animate then carry on.


Click on the paper layer that is inside the ribbon frame and Effects – Eyecandy 4000 – HSB Noise with these settings: 25,30, 40, 0, 42, 42 – smooth lumps and make sure seamless tile is checked, click okay then Copy Merged and take it to Animation Shop then Edit – Paste as a new animation, back in PSP click undo once then Effects – Eyecandy 4000 – HSB Noise with the same settings just hit the random button Copy Merged and take it to AS – Edit – paste after the current frame and back again to PSP click undo once and again in HSB Noise hit the random button Copy Merged and take it to AS then Edit – paste after the current frame then Edit – Select all – Animation – Animation Properties – make sure opaque is checked and change the colour to white and click okay then Animation – animation properties and set it to 20.

View your Tag and if happy save as a Gif.

Thank you for trying my tutorial.


Sunday, 17 January 2010




This tutorial was written by me and any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.

It would be nice if you let me know you have tried my tutorials I love to see what you do with them or at least acknowledge that you have done it I like to get some feedback on what you think send me a copy and I will add them to my slide show.

Supplies needed:

PSP (I used PSP 9) but should work on any
Animation Shop

Glitter Tiles by Arty Pharty
Filters used:
Inbuilt noise filter in PSP
Xenofex 2 - Constellation

Tube of choice I am using the fantastic artwork of Elias Chatzoudis if you wish to use his work then you must purchase a license from

The Template Missy_Tagtemplate 268 I am using came from Missy at:

The Scrap kit I used is by Lacarolita it’s called Oh My Heart and you can get it :

The mask I used is WSL_Mask207 thank you again Chelle and you can get it at:

Okay lets get started

Open the Template and click on the background layer then Image – Canvas size and change to 700 x 700 and Flood fill white now delete the copyright layer.

Make the glittered square the active layer and *add a new Raster layer and Flood fill this layer with a glitter of your choice to match your tube I used a red glitter now delete the original* do this * with Thin Rectangle 1 & 2 and with Rectangle 2 and using a different colour of glitter (I chose Black) do the same with the wordart (Crazy)next click on Oval half 1 and * Selections – Select all – Selections – Float, Selections Defloat and copy and paste a paper of your choice I used Paper 3 Selections – invert and hit the delete button on your keyboard and delete the original in your layer palette* do the same* with Oval half 2 and also with Rectangle 1

Now click on and make active your background layer add a new raster layer and flood fill it with a colour from your tube then Layers – Load/Save Mask – Load Mask from Disk and locate WSL_Mask207 and okay make the group layer active in your layer palette and right click and merge group (stretch the mask as necessary using the Raster Deform tool so it shows below the frame see mine for reference) now copy and paste Hearts 1 and Hearts 2 just above the Mask layer move these around mirror and flip get them where you think looks best now copy and paste the (glitter hearts) Hearts 3 resizing and name this layer GLITTERHEARTs now copy and paste Bow 2 (ribbon) resizing and place it where you think it looks best or see mine for reference I then copy and pasted and resized the Heartballoon1 and placed it to the right of the template.

Now add your own words I used I LOVE YOU LIKE making it fit into the black circle and I used a glitter tile with a contrasting coloured glitter with a stroke of 1 I then reversed the colour of the Glitters for my name on the top of the heartballoon.

Now add your Tube - to the left (resizing)

Image – Resize – All Layers checked 500 x 500 Smart size

Add the artists copyright and your watermark

Drop shadow each layer with settings 3, 3, 50, 5 colour black

If you don’t wish to animate then save your Tag now as a Jpeg if you wish to animate then carry on.


Click on the top glitter layer which should be your name and the wordart should be all underneath your name in your layer palette and Merge down till you have all the wordart on the same layer name this layer WORDART and Adjust – Add/Remove Noise – Add Noise click on Guassian and set the percentage to 30 and click okay then click on the GLITTERHEARTS and Effects – Xenofex 2 – Constellation and use these settings 1.98, 50, 50, 25,50, 75 make sure Keep original image is checked then okay now Copy Merged and take it to Animation Shop then Edit – Paste as a new animation, back in PSP click undo three times then Add/Remove Noise – Add noise and change the percentage to 35 and click okay and on the GLITTERHEARTS use the same settings in Xenofex 2 but hit the random button Copy Merged and take it to AS – Edit – paste after the current frame and back again to PSP click undo three times and again Add/Remove Noise – Add Noise and change the percentage to 40 click okay making the GLITTERHEARTS layer active and again in Xenofex 2 hit the random button Copy Merged and take it to AS then Edit – paste after the current frame then Edit – Select all – Animation – Animation Properties – make sure opaque is checked and change the colour to white and click okay.

View your Tag and if happy save as a Gif.

Thank you for trying my tutorial.


Tuesday, 12 January 2010




This tutorial was written by me and any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.

It would be nice if you let me know you have tried my tutorials I love to see what you do with them, send me a copy and I will add them to my slide show.

Supplies needed:

PSP (I used PSP 9) but should work on any
Animation Shop
Filters used: Inbuilt noise filter in PSP
Supplies by me HERE

Tube of choice I am using the brilliant artwork of Keith Garvey if you wish to use his work then you must purchase a license from

The Scrap kit I used is by Bel Vidotti, it’s called LUST and you can get it :

The mask I used is WSL_Mask216 thank you again Chelle and you can get it at:

Okay lets get started

Open a new image 700 x 700 we can resize later flood fill white

Copy & Paste the Frame (Element 38) I resized by 20%and moved it up slightly now with your magic wand click inside the frame and Selections – Select all add a new Raster layer and copy and paste Paper 01 into selection - Select none and drop the paper layer below the frame and drop shadow the frame.

Now click on and make active your background layer add a new raster layer and flood fill it with a colour from your tube then Layers – Load/Save Mask – Load Mask from Disk and locate WSL_Mask216 and okay make the group layer active in your layer palette and right click and merge group (stretch the mask as necessary using the Raster Deform tool so it shows on all sides below the frame) now copy and paste Element 08 (ribbon) and place it where you think it looks best I also duplicated it and mirrored and flipped it but do what you prefer move them around till you are happy with how it looks then make your paper in the frame the active layer copy and paste the a close up of your tube resizing it as necessary and place it to the left use your eraser tool to get rid of any of the tube showing below the frame now copy and paste whichever Elements you wish I used 12, 14, 31, 32, 33, 34 and 44 I used the Raster Deform tool to move them around and placed them to the right of the frame I also used Element 29 and used my Freehand Selection tool to select just the pink heart I used my eraser tool to erase some of the pink heart to make it look like the key is through the heart you will have to resize everything to your liking I then clicked on the Mask layer and copy and pasted Elements 43 and 21 resizing using the Raster Deform tool and I duplicated them and mirrored and flipped them move them around till you are happy with it or see mine for reference. Click on the top layer of the sparkles you know the ones just above the Mask and merge them all together Rename this layer Glitter

Now add your Tube to the left of the frame now add the wordart or use your own.

Image – Resize – All Layers checked 500 x 500 Smart size

Add the artists copyright and your watermark then add your name I used the Font Brush choosing a colour from your tube with a stroke of 1 then drop shadow.

If you don’t wish to animate then save your Tag now as a Jpeg if you wish to animate then carry on.


Click on the glitter layer in your layer palette and Adjust – Add/Remove Noise – Add Noise click on Guassian and set the percentage to 30 and click okay Copy Merged and take it to Animation Shop then Edit – Paste as a new animation, back in PSP click undo once then Add/Remove Noise – Add noise and change the percentage to 35 and click okay Copy Merged and take it to AS – Edit – paste after the current frame and back again to PSP click undo once and again Add/Remove Noise – Add Noise and change the percentage to 40 click okay and Copy Merged and take it to AS then Edit – paste after the current frame then Edit – Select all – Animation – Animation Properties – make sure opaque is checked and change the clour to white and click okay.

View your Tag and if happy save as a Gif.

Thank you for trying my tutorial.


Saturday, 9 January 2010




This tutorial was written by me and any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.

This is a similar version to my Header hope you like it.

It would be nice if you let me know you have tried my tutorials I love to see what you do with them, send me a copy and I will add them to my slide show.

Supplies needed:

PSP (I used PSP 9) but should work on any
Animation Shop
Filters used: VM Natural – Sparkle
Eyecandy 4000 – Gradient Glow

Tube of choice I am using the brilliant artwork of Mahmood Al Khaja if you would like to use his artwork please write and ask him for permission

The Scrap kit I used is by Tamie and it’s part of a Blog train called called Winter Wishes (FTU) and you can get it from: mask I used is Vix_Maskbutterfly&stars and you can get it at:

Artwork used in the window came from

Okay lets get started

Open a new image 700 x 700 we can resize later flood fill white

Copy & Paste the window element I resized by 80%and moved it up to the left now with your magic wand click in the panes of the window Selections – Modify and Expand by 4 add a new Raster layer and copy and paste into selection the scenic winter image you have chosen to use– then Selections – invert and press delete on your keyboard - Select none and drop the image below the frame and drop shadow the frame.

Now click on and make active your image layer and Copy and Paste the tree and tree 2 elements I resized them by 80% twice and move them to the right of the window and drop shadow them now click on your background layer and copy and paste a paper of choice I used Paper 10 then Layers – Load/Save Mask – Load Mask from Disk and locate Vix_Mask butterfly&stars and okay make the group layer active in your layer palette and right click and merge group (stretch the mask as necessary using the Raster Deform tool so it shows on all sides below the frame) now copy and paste swirlribbon and swirlribbon2 move them around till you are happy with how it looks then make your image the active layer copy and paste the lamppost2 resizing it by 50% and then by 80% and place it to the left of the window then cop & paste the bench resizing it by 50% twice and place it in front of the lamppost (see mine for reference) now copy and paste the sparklesheet element and then copy and paste the diamondrain element resizing it by 80% and placing it from the top of the window.

Make the window layer active which should be your top layer in your layer palette and copy and paste the curtain and using your raster deform tool adjust it till it frames your window then copy and paste ribbon6 resizing it by 50% and place it at the bottom of the window frame now add your tube and place her to the right of the frame I feathered the bottom of the tube if you would like to do the same click on your free selection tool and draw round the bottom of your tube till it’s selected then Selections – Modify – Feather I set it to 30 and hit your delete button once then Select none and drop shadow

Image – Resize – All Layers checked 500 x 500 Smart size

Add the artists copyright and your watermark then add your name I used the Font Al Sandra choosing a colour from your tube with a stroke of 1 I then added a gradient glow 3, 25, 100 in the main colour then drop shadow.


Merge down all layers from your window frame to the background and Effects – VM Natural – Sparkle and on the default settings click okay the Copy Merged and take it over to AS and Edit – Paste as a new animation now back in PSP click undo once and again Effects – VM Natural Sparkle but move the random seed slider to 73 then okay and again Copy Merged and take it to AS and Edit – Paste after the current frame then back to PSP and do it again but change the Random seed slider to 225 and Copy Merged and take it to AS and Edit paste after the current frame now have 3 frames click on the first frame and Edit – Select all then Animation – Animation properties check the opaque box and change the colour to white click okay then Animation – Frame properties and change the number to 35.

View your Tag and if happy save as a Gif.

Thank you for trying my tutorial.
