Wednesday, 26 August 2009


This tutorial was written by me, and any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.

It would be nice if you let me know you have tried my tutorials I love to see what you do with them, send me a copy and I will add them to my slide show.

Supplies needed:

PSP (I used PSP 9)
Animation Shop


Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 - Impact - Brushed Metal
VM - Natural - Sparkle

Tube of choice I am using the beautiful artwork of Keith Garvey if you wish to use his artwork then you need to purchase a license from

The Scrap kit I used is called Diamond Blue (FTU) by Doris of Scrap Dimensions, thank you Doris …. And you can get it from
The mask I used is WSL_Mask86 by Chelle thanks again Chelle

Okay lets get started

Open a new image 700 x 700 we can resize later flood fill white
Add a new raster layer and copy and paste a paper of your choice I used paper 06 then Layers – Load/Save Mask – Load Mask From Disk and look for WSL_Mask86 and apply – right click on the group layer in your layer palette and merge group I used the Raster Deform tool and stretched it a little on all sides.

Copy and paste the Glitter petals2 and dropshadow place it to the right of the Tag duplicate it and image – mirror then merge down so both layers of the Glitter petals are on 1 layer (see mine for reference) then resize and copy and paste Frame 2.

Click inside the frame with your magic wand and Selections – Modify and Expand by 5 then copy and paste a paper of your choice I used Paper 9 – Selections – invert and hit delete on your keyboard then drop the paper layer below the frame and drop shadow your frame.

Now add your tube (I cropped the top of the tube then increased the size to fit inside the frame and then used my eraser tool remove any overhanging at the bottom of the frame

Add whatever Elements you want it’s your choice I used Bow 1, Candles, Embellishment 3, Key, Leaves, Ring, Rose 2,Rose 3, Rose 4, Shoe, String of Roses, Tulip 1 and Tulip 2 for the key I used Embellishemt 4 and erased the diamond and the chain and attached the key to the bow resizing as necessary.
Place each element where you think it looks best make it your own.

Give each layer a drop shadow 3, 3, 50, 5

Image – Resize – All Layers checked 500 x 500 Smart size

Add the artists copyright and your watermark then add your name I used the Font Boulevard using a colour to match the kit and giving it a Stroke of 1 with a gold colour

You can save as a Jpeg now if you don’t want to animate if you wish to animate carry on below


Click on the Glitter Petals layer in your palette and Effects – EyeCandy 5 – Brushed Metal with the settings below:

Settings: Hand Brushed Metal

Hand Brushed
Direction – 0
Highlight Sharpness – 50
Grain Contrast – 40
Grain Length – 23.62
Brush Size – 118.11
Brush Density – 60
Brush Variation – 45

I also used the freehand selection tool and outlined the hearts on Embellishment 3 and used VM – Natural – Sparkle with settings:

Size – 20
Red – 200
Green – 175
Blue – 160
RND Colour on/off: 255
Random Seed: 100

I then made the ring layer active and did the same with VM – Natural – Sparkle with the same settings

Now copy merged and take it to Animation Shop and Paste as a new animation – back in PSP undo everything you did with the effects and do the same again keeping all the same settings but clicking the random button in each effect and in the VM – Natural – Sparkle slide the Random seed button to 120 – Copy merged and in AS paste after the current frame and back to PSP and undo it all again and then redo clicking on the random button again and with the sparkle slide the random seed button to 140.

You should now have three frames in AS click on the first frame and Edit – Select all and click on Animation – animation properties and click on Opaque and change the colour to white click on View to view your animation and if happy Save as a Gif and your done.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you have a go please leave a little luv it’s nice to know if you enjoy it

Many thanks for trying my tutorial.


Friday, 21 August 2009


Hope you all like my new layout it was made by Catarific of the only problem I am having is that it cuts off the Tags posted from Photoshop and I don't know how to get round it, It posts okay when I post an image direct from my PC but then the animations don't show, any how I will work on it and see if I can sort it out and if anyone has any ideas on how to fix this please give me a shout or email me and let me know.

I also just wanted to say thanks to all of you who have had a go at my tutorials and I know I have been a bit slow at posting new ones lately but our business relies on tourism and it has been booming over the summer holidays so I haven't had much time for anything but hopefully it will quieten down soon and I can get back to doing what I love best PSP YAAAAAAA!!!! lol

Anyway leave a little luv if you try my Tuts I like to know I am not putting a lot of hard work in for nothing lol

Keep Tutting away lol and I promise I will be posting a new Tut soon.

Lyn X

Wednesday, 12 August 2009



This tutorial was written by me, and any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.

It would be nice if you let me know you have tried my tutorials I love to see what you do with them, send me a copy and I will add them to my slide show.

Supplies needed:

PSP (I used PSP 9)
Animation Shop

Tube of choice I am using the beautiful artwork of Keith Garvey if you wish to use his artwork then you need to purchase a license from

The Scrap kit I used is by Monica of Simply Sensational Scraps…. thank you Monica and is called Antique Beauty (FTU) and you can get it

The mask I used is WSL_Mask116 by Chelle thanks again Chelle thanks again Chelle

Okay lets get started

Open a new image 700 x 700 we can resize later flood fill white
Add a new raster layer and copy and paste a paper of your choice I used paper 06 then Layers – Load/Save Mask – Load Mask From Disk and look for WSL_Mask116 and apply – right click on the group layer in your layer palette and merge group.

Copy and paste the flowerswirl1 and dropshadow place it to the top right of the Tag duplicate it 3 times so you have 4 and place them at the 4 corners of the Tag (see mine for reference) then copy and paste sunflower 1 and again duplicate it 7 times so you have 8 and place then in a square overlapping each other now copy and paste Frame 5 on top of the sunflowers.

Click inside the frame with your magic wand and Selections – Modify and Expand by 5 then copy and paste a paper of your choice I used Paper 18 – Selections – invert and hit delete on your keyboard then drop the paper layer below the frame.

Now add your tube I resized by 150% and using your eraser tool remove any overhanging at the bottom of the frame

Add whatever Elements you want it’s your choice I used Blossom 1 & 2 resizing the second one slightly, Beads 3, lilies 1 and bow 1, Brad1 resizing as necessary I also added a couple of butterflies.
Place each element where you think it looks best, make it your own.

Give each layer a drop shadow 3, 3, 50, 5

Image – Resize – All Layers checked 500 x 500 Smart size

Add your copyright and watermark then add your name I used the Font Aquarelle using a colour to match the kit and giving it a Stroke of 1

You can save as a Jpeg now if you don’t want to animate if you wish to animate carry on below


Click on the Mask layer and Adjust – Add / Remove Noise – guassian checked and set the the percentage to 25% click okay then copy merged and take it to Animation Shop – Edit and paste as a new animation – Back in PSP and click undo once then do the same again but change the percentage to 30% take it to AS and paste after the current frame – back in PSP click undo once and add noise again changing the percentage to 35%.

In AS click on Animation – animation properties and Opaque checked and change the colour to white click okay then View your animation and if happy save as a Gif. And your done.

Many thanks for trying my tutorial.
